
Nice gemeint

Dreibeinblog Placeholder05

I’m design student and webhosting professional. I visited your WordPress and I guess you might be someone who may need a custom website built for free to further your cause.
Everything is really for FREE. Not a single buck has to be payed.
The only thing I require is a good reference and to use the site as an example site to show future clients.
There are no catches or costs.
Really you might not believe it: everything is for FREE!
Having a site online only requires web hosting by me which is $25/month and includes the domain name also for FREE.
The restrictions are: site must be under 10 pages in size. I do not host sites with flash movies on them.
Just professional business sites.
Thanks for your time. Brian

Lieber Brian,

25 Bucks im Monat is not for FREE. And 10 Pages in size is a Quatsch for a professional business site. Your Angebot is ja nice gemeint , but I can es nicht gebrauchen.


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Lesezeit ca.: 2 Minuten | Tippfehler melden | Peter Wilhelm: © 28. Oktober 2009 | Revision: 28. November 2012

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